Single Insertion scripts for AR Transactions
Instructions for Transactions
Receivables: Receivables is all about receiving money. A department which keeps track of the money to be received from the customers for Goods/ Services provided to them.
In most business entities this is typically done by generating an invoice and mailing or electronically delivering it to the customer, which in turn must pay it with an established time frame called credit or payment terms. Actually based on transactions we use to know the due amount of the customer. This documents shows how to create a Regular Invoice is nothing but a transaction and creation of Credit memos and Debit memos.
Transaction: A transaction is an invoice which is sent by the customers to the Organization. Based on which the customers will get paid.
This Document provides the guidance to the user with the necessary information for creating Transactions.
The Interface table used here is:
Insertion steps
Following are the steps that must be followed, in order, to perform the Single insertions for Regular
Transactions, Credit memos and Debit memos:
Execution Step | Description |
Step 1 | Select * from ra_interface_lines_all where trunc(creation_date)=trunc(sysdate) To check whether is there any other records exists in the interface table. |
Step 2 | INSERT INTO Apps.ra_interface_lines_all (batch_source_name, line_type, description, currency_code, interface_line_context, org_id, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_ship_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, amount, inventory_item_id, conversion_type, creation_date, created_by, uom_code, uom_name, tax_code, gl_date, conversion_rate, term_id, term_name, cust_trx_type_id, cust_trx_type_name, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3, interface_line_attribute4 ) VALUES ('LEGACY', 'LINE', 'Sample Source', 'USD', 'CONVERSION', 204, 9123, 9123, 96084, 96084, NULL, NULL, 100, 109868, 'User', SYSDATE, 1008480, 'Ea', 'Each','Exempt', SYSDATE, 1, 1062, 'N30', 1, 'Invoice', 'LEG_TRX_000', 1, 1, 'REF_000' ); |
Step 3 | COMMIT; |
Step 4 | Run the Auto invoice Master Program by using Receivables Manager, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility. Navigation: ControlRequests Run Parameters which we need to pass: Number of Instances 1 Invoice Source LEGECY Default Date 17-SEP-2009 Transaction type Invoice (Low) Bill To Customer Number (High) Bill To Customer Number (Low) Bill To Customer Name (High) Bill To Customer Name (Low) GL Date (High) GL Date (Low) Ship Date (High) Ship Date (Low)Transaction Number (High)Transaction Number (Low) Sales Order Number (High) Sales Order Number (Low) Invoice Date (High) Invoice Date (Low) Ship To Customer Number (High) Ship To Customer Number (Low) Ship To Customer Name (High) Ship To Customer Name Base Due Date on Trx Date Yes Due Date Adjustment Days Then Submit the request. |
Step 5 | After submitting auto Invoice master program it automatically submits auto invoice import program. |
Step 6 | After completion of the concurrent programs check the errors tables if there is any errors. Select * from ra_interface_errors_all where interface_line_id=46819 |
Step 7 | Then Check the base tables. Select * from ra_customer_trx_all where created_by=1008480 Select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all where customer_trx_id=219300 |
Step 8 | INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all ( batch_source_name, line_type, description, currency_code, conversion_type,conversion_rate, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, org_id, amount, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_ship_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id, trx_date, cust_trx_type_name, cust_trx_type_id, gl_date, interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3, interface_line_attribute4,primary_salesrep_id,header_attribute1 ) VALUES ('LEGACY', 'LINE', 'Sample Source', 'USD', 'User',1, 1008480, SYSDATE, 1008480, SYSDATE, 204, -100, 9123, 9123, 96084, 96084, SYSDATE, 'Credit Memo', 2, SYSDATE, 'CONVERSION','REF_003', 1, 1, 'REF_003',-3,'REF_003' ); |
Step 9 | COMMIT; |
Step 10 | Check the Interface table whether the got populated exactly or not. Select * from ra_interface_lines_all where created_by=1008480; |
Step 11 | Run the Auto invoice Master Program by using Receivables Manager, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility. Navigation: ControlRequests Run Parameters which we need to pass: Number of Instances 1 Invoice Source LEGECY Default Date 11-NOV-2009 Transaction type Credit memo (Low) Bill To Customer Number (High) Bill To Customer Number (Low) Bill To Customer Name (High) Bill To Customer Name (Low) GL Date (High) GL Date (Low) Ship Date (High) Ship Date (Low)Transaction Number (High)Transaction Number (Low) Sales Order Number (High) Sales Order Number (Low) Invoice Date (High) Invoice Date (Low) Ship To Customer Number (High) Ship To Customer Number (Low) Ship To Customer Name (High) Ship To Customer Name Base Due Date on Trx Date Yes Due Date Adjustment Days Then Submit the request. |
Step 12 | After submitting auto Invoice master program it automatically submits auto invoice import program. |
Step 13 | After completion of the concurrent programs check the errors tables if there is any errors. Select * from ra_interface_errors_all where interface_line_id=46819 |
Step 14 | Then Check the base tables. Select * from ra_customer_trx_all where created_by=1008480 Select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all where trx_number=502552; |
Step 15 | INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (batch_source_name, set_of_books_id, line_type, term_name, term_id, description, currency_code, conversion_type, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, org_id, amount, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_ship_address_id, trx_date, primary_salesrep_id, cust_trx_type_name, cust_trx_type_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id, conversion_rate, gl_date, header_attribute_category, header_attribute1, header_attribute2, interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3, interface_line_attribute4 ) VALUES ('LEGACY', 1, 'LINE', '30 Net', 4, 'Sample Source', 'USD', 'User', 1008480, SYSDATE, 1008480, SYSDATE, 204, 100, 9123, 9123, SYSDATE, NULL, 'Debit Memo', 1004, 96084, 96084, 1, SYSDATE, 'LEGACY', 'REF_005', SYSDATE, 'CONVERSION', 'REF_005', SYSDATE, 1, 1 ); |
Step 16 | COMMIT; |
Step 17 | Run the Auto invoice Master Program by using Receivables Manager, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility. Navigation: ControlRequests Run Parameters which we need to pass: Number of Instances 1 Invoice Source LEGECY Default Date 17-SEP-2009 Transaction type Invoice (Low) Bill To Customer Number (High) Bill To Customer Number (Low) Bill To Customer Name (High) Bill To Customer Name (Low) GL Date (High) GL Date (Low) Ship Date (High) Ship Date (Low)Transaction Number (High)Transaction Number (Low) Sales Order Number (High) Sales Order Number (Low) Invoice Date (High) Invoice Date (Low) Ship To Customer Number (High) Ship To Customer Number (Low) Ship To Customer Name (High) Ship To Customer Name Base Due Date on Trx Date Yes Due Date Adjustment Days Then Submit the request. |
Step 18 | After submitting auto Invoice master program it automatically submits auto invoice import program. |
Check whether is there is any errors. Select * from ra_interface_errors_all where interface_line_id=46819; | |
Then Check the base tables. Select * from ra_customer_trx_all where created_by=1008480; Select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all where trx_number=502552; | |
Execution Step | Description |
Step 1 | Customer should be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Set up Customers Standard Select * from ra_customers where customer_name like 'Apps CUST%' |
Step 2 | Currency must be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Setup Financials Currencies Currencies Select * from fnd_currencies where currency_code like 'USD' |
Step 3 | Item must be defined on Oracle. Navigation: Set up Transactions Items Define Items. Select * form mtl_system_items_b where segment1 like 'JK_TEST_ITEM%' |
Step 4 | Unit of measure must be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Set up System Unit of Measure Classes. Select * from mtl_unit _of_measures where uom_code like 'Ea%' |
Step 5 | Transaction typed must be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Set up Transactions Transaction types Select * from ra_cust_trx_types_all where name like 'invoice%' |
Step 6 | Source must be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Set up Transactions Sources select * from ra_batch_sources_all where name like ’LEGECY%' |
Step 7 | Payment terms must be defined in Oracle. Navigation: Set up Transactions Payment Terms. select * from ra_terms where name like 'N30%' |
Code Attachments
The above sql file has the code to perform single insert into Interface tables for transactions.
INSERT INTO Apps.ra_interface_lines_all (batch_source_name, line_type, description, currency_code,
interface_line_context, org_id, orig_system_bill_address_id,
orig_system_ship_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id,
orig_system_ship_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price,
amount, inventory_item_id, conversion_type, creation_date,
created_by, uom_code, uom_name, tax_code, gl_date,
conversion_rate, term_id, term_name, cust_trx_type_id,
cust_trx_type_name, interface_line_attribute1,
interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3,
VALUES ('LEGACY', 'LINE', 'Sample Source', 'USD',
'CONVERSION', 204, 9123,
9123, 96084,
96084, NULL, NULL,
100, 109868, 'User', SYSDATE,
1008480, 'Ea', 'Each','Exempt',
1, 1062, 'N30', 1,
'Invoice', 'LEG_TRX_000',
1, 1,
Script for Credit memos Single Insert:
INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
( batch_source_name, line_type, description,currency_code, conversion_type,conversion_rate, created_by, creation_date,
last_updated_by, last_update_date, org_id, amount,
orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_ship_address_id,
orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id,
cust_trx_type_name, cust_trx_type_id, gl_date,
interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,
interface_line_attribute2, interface_line_attribute3,
VALUES ('LEGACY', 'LINE', 'Sample Source',
'USD', 'User',1, 1008480, SYSDATE,
1008480, SYSDATE, 204, -100,
9123, 9123,
96084, 96084,
SYSDATE, 'Credit Memo',
1, 1,
Script for Debit memos:
INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(batch_source_name, set_of_books_id, line_type, term_name,term_id, description, currency_code, conversion_type,
created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
org_id, amount, orig_system_bill_address_id,
orig_system_ship_address_id, trx_date, primary_salesrep_id,
cust_trx_type_name, cust_trx_type_id,
orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_ship_customer_id,
conversion_rate, gl_date, header_attribute_category,
header_attribute1, header_attribute2, interface_line_context,
interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
interface_line_attribute3, interface_line_attribute4
VALUES ('LEGACY', 1, 'LINE', '30 Net',
4, 'Sample Source', 'USD', 'User',
1008480, SYSDATE, 1008480, SYSDATE,
204, 100, 9123,
'Debit Memo', 1004,
96084, 96084,
1, 1